Many companies do not realize that marketing has evolved, from the marketing stage as a box of equipment, as a marketing strategy, marketing and marketing services as a culture. Based on history, marketing is seen as a clear function or department in a company which is responsible for product development, conducting a campaign, to determine the price, to determine the place, dealing with retailers and so forth. Sometimes companies throw big cost to from advertising in print media, electronic, Internet and create a large billboards along the roads a very big interest. But after customers that sometimes come with the company perceives no good. No with good and sometimes not satisfy customers who come with a cost that is very large.
Customers will say in the company that we feel when their company-oriented marketing. They can identify the companies that seriously wish to create customer satisfaction.
The company should be based on the concept of relationship with the sincere and genuine customers. Many companies have been implementing the marketing relationship, but do not understand or appreciate the relationship that a sincere and genuine. For example, guarantee a certain product is not fully disclosed and clearly to prevent the sale, so customers are likely to have problems with these products and contact the company to get a replacement. Usually, the company replied with a guarantee that the answers are not valid anymore, officials manangani problem that customers are not in place or various other reasons that essentially can not be exchanged. At the time, the customer will be disappointed, frustrated and no longer believe the products and companies. If the company made, the company does not understand the meaning of a single-customer relationship and true. But the company has been marketing its downfall. In the case, if the product is changed so customers will be satisfied and sincere relations and will be remembered by customers, and will survive in the long term, although in the short term the possibility of experiencing losses.
Montgomery Ward Company, one of the companies collapsed because the United States ignore the customers. "Sin to in the retail world in a very competitive, the place where consumers want more options from time to time," said Mark Ingebretsen in the book The Way Company. Meanwhile, competitors Sears Roebuck, is considering competitors, so that the current Sears Roebuck is still successful.
My experience as a customer is not pleasant also treated many times. The old theory says if customers are not satisfied it will deliver to 12 people, whereas if satisfied, the customer will be told 12 people. But if I'm not satisfied, can I just told thousands of people, or vice versa if I will be satisfied also told thousands of people , either through print media, electronic and internet. I usually tell the weakness of the company is to be improved, so I remain a customer. If the company does not want to change these weaknesses, it may be that specializes marketing the company has collapsed, which means that the collapse of marketing strategies.
Companies such as IBM, Sony, Apple and a line of other companies had experienced failure in the field of marketing, but they learn from mistakes, and improve themselves from the company that eventually became permanent respected. Even Apple into a company with growth.
"Marketing as a culture is a way of thinking about how to deal with customers how customers think about the company. But not a marketing department, but a state of mind or how to make a business or marketing is a culture that seep into a company "said James G. Barnes.
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