Easy - that you all are in excellent health and always get a blessing from God.

If there are people who ask us, how many age-mu now? So the answer is forty years or perhaps thirty years or twenty years and beyond. And, if we describe more then a year is twelve months, one month of thirty days, one day twenty-four hours, one hour sixty minutes, one minute is sixty seconds.

In fact, the age we are seconds and this is the second tap, tap of our heart, then we age is our heart rate. If we tap the heart stops, then we stop the age of this world.

In one of his writings that Mr. Mario: Trouble to you win

then every second of our lives, or any heart rate is to try other people how to win.

Others are beyond us, so let's order anyone around us that we will win with a quota of age that we have.

Our partner (wife / husband) is the object of life. Husband and wife are the clothes is clothes the wife of her husband. I have to win my partner, good is my joy, it is my sad wail. So I will walk beside him to win it. My child is the future points. So I present to WIN. I made the arrows that he separated from my his bow . Landscape most love, I present to you win. A friend should behave win as a friend presented Mr. Mario:

When the steps you advance your remote in front of us, exciting because we will follow you. When you stop or I stopped, rest assured that we will encourage you to strengthen the steps forward you the next.

In a Mr. Mario had the opportunity to ask us a question with a hitch: If you died, as if you want to be remembered by the world? Then he continued: "we should vibrate like this get very concerned and if the answer is only people who want to become unavoidable.

At that time I will remind the people in the event of a natural womb. Among the possible occurrence of a billion people from a father, we are only allowed to live and kedunia is born. So what if the answers about our brothers billion that we ask: highboy We have our self-sacrifice for you birth, why do you only become a human normally?

Companions, let's make every heart rate to make other people win, and the last close resistant writing this sentence with Super Mr. Mario from the following:

You have to build expertise in making yourself capable, generates more than you needs, and make yourself personally able to help other people with you excess.

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